Want To Support HauntScene?
If you believe in our mission to promote, educate, and support the Haunted Attraction Industry, please consider a yearly sponsorship! Sponsorship will include spotlights/acknowledgements during our show and on our relevant social media posts! Your icon and link will also be featured on our Sponsors page (or by name of the individual). THANK YOU in advance. Please reach out to hauntscene@gmail.com to discuss the details of sponsorship!
HauntScene sponsorships are annual from the time of the initial donation. We will reach out to you before the end of the year and check in with you to see if you are interested in renewing for the following year. Please reach out to us via Social Media if you are interested in a sponsorship, or have any questions or concerns! Please feel free to email us for more information – HauntScene@gmail.com
"HauntScene is where I go to keep up on the latest haunted attractions across not just Florida but also across the country. Their coverage is always accurate, unbiased and entertaining. I also love the fact that they give local businesses exposure!" 🧡

"Haunt scene is a group of amazing people and friends that love to showcase haunted houses from the huge productions to the smaller mom and pop haunts all over the states. They keep Halloween alive all year round. They visit as many place as they can during the Halloween season but also keep searching for new haunts but also keep it alive during the off season. Love these guys and can’t wait to meet again and see more haunts this year. Stay spooky . Halloween forever is our lives and they know how to celebrate all year round!" 👻🎃🤡💀👿😈👽

"They are family! I've known them for years and have almost made two of them quit from being scared!"

"There’s Halloween coverage and then there’s Hauntscene Halloween coverage. The Hauntscene vibe is unlike any other Halloween group. They are devoted to sharing the latest info on all types of haunts (not just the big boys) and convey a spirit of unity and enthusiasm that is inspiring. The people that make up this team are creative, energetic and engaging. I look forward to their posts and have been pleasantly pleased with their suggested haunts (I’ve visited a number of them and have had a blast). I’ve watched Hauntscene grow over the years and cannot wait to see what the next decade brings! Thank you for the amazing Halloween coverage but for also being phenomenal people!"